RMIT University, Building 220
Building 220 is located at the North/East corner of the R.M.I.T. University’s Bundoora Campus. The mass of the building arcs in a northerly direction creating a flagship for the University when viewed from Plenty Road. The long narrow curved design takes advantage of the view to the lake and the more spectacular distant views. The building is predominately clad in copper alucabond panels with rectangular natural aluminium windows. All glazing to the building is silver reflective mirror. The lift core and the northern end are built from heavily textured grey concrete.
It is designed to house academic facilities for the Faculty of Education, Language & Community Services, demonstrating its proud presence to the greater community.
One simple arc in plan, the bridge-like building swings like an armature from the university’s datum level, sweeping over gently rolling grassed slopes towards 400-year-old red gum trees. The orientation allows optimal light penetration into the internal spaces.
The facades make reference to the existing masonry and concrete of the university building stock. The metal panel system incorporates an exaggerated brick pattern, differentiating the main carriage of the building from the textured precast concrete abutments.
Building 220 is linked at first floor level to an existing red brick building via a galvanised steel bridge. The bridge references the brutalist institutional expression of the existing building stock and at the same time makes a clear distinction between the old and new. In addition to the new building, Wood Marsh was also engaged to design additional facilities within the existing library building.